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 Collaborators   and Partners 



ARA​tronics Research Center is multidisciplinary research group and we are open for National and International collaborations with the reputable academic scholars in the ongoing research projects that we do work on it. So, if you are coming from any of the following fields (Mechatronics Engineerin, Opto-Mechatronics Systems Design, Automation Engineering, Robotics, Internet-of-Things, Sensors Technology, Wearable Devices, Haptic Interface, Biosensors and Biomedical instrumentation Design) and looking for collaborative research National and International programs that can fit with the grants organizations similar to the STDF (Science, Technology & Innovation Funding Authority) and the NSF (National Science Foundation): ARAtronics will love to collaborates with you. So, please complete this form and select Academic Collaboration Request. After that our team will be in contact with you.

One of the big aims for the ARA​tronics Research Center is to bridge the Gap between the research and the industrial systems. Because of that, we do believe in the collaboration and partnership with the industrial companies, factories and/or even startups. To build a final end products that can make difference for our society to grow and develop using our cutting edge resources from brains and technologies. 


ARA​tronics Research Center is multidisciplinary research group that is mainly working in developing solutions for the problems in research and in several industries. So, if you are one of the following sectors: (industrial companies, factories, startups) who is working in (Automation Systems, Robotics Systems, Internet-of-Things, Structural Health Monitoring, Industrial Sectors, Sensors Technology, Wearable Devices, Haptic Interface and Medical Sectors) and looking for a customized solution and you are believing a bout building a win-win collaboration and a long-lasting partnership with us; you are most welcome to complete this form and select Industrial Collaboration Request. After that our team will be in contact with you. 



German University in Cairo

New Cairo, Egypt 11835

Mechatronics Engineering

C-Building (C6.04, C6.05)

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 Research for A better life


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